Able Body Labor
Able Body Labor
5532 66th Street North,
Saint Petersburg, FL 33709
Phone:(727) 547-6406
Able Body Labor and its family of companies realize that as a business owner, one needs experienced professionals who understand your specific industry needs.
Our industry experience combined with customized training programs allows us to work in a wide range of industries and specialty areas. You can rest assured that Able Body Labor will provide qualified staff equipped with the skills needed to complete the tasks you set before them. And we don't just say it, we guarantee it!
Able Body Labor and its family of companies realize that as a business owner, one needs experienced professionals who understand your specific industry needs.
Our industry experience combined with customized training programs allows us to work in a wide range of industries and specialty areas. You can rest assured that Able Body Labor will provide qualified staff equipped with the skills needed to complete the tasks you set before them. And we don't just say it, we guarantee it!
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